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I. Health point: 47,413,000.
II. Abilities:
1. Mutated Infection - Inflicts 3,900 – 4,100 damage per second and reduces healing received by 50%. Creates a little ooze when it ends. Last 12 secs.
2. Ooze Flood - Inflicts 5,363 – 5,637 damage per second and reduces movement speed by 10% per stack. Last 5 secs.
3. Slime Spray - Iflicts 11,875 - 13,125 nature damage per second. Last 5 secs.
4. Vile Gas - Inflicts 4,875 – 5,125 damage every two seconds. Causes infected party members to vomit and damage other nearby party members for about 4,000 points. Last 6 sec.
5. Little Ooze:
- Sticky Ooze - Inflicts 2,925 – 3,075 damage per second, reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Weak Radiating Ooze - Inflicts 3,413 – 3,587 damage every 2 seconds, merges little oozes with big ooze.
6. Big Ooze:
- Sticky Ooze - Inflicts 2,925 – 3,075 damage per second, reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Radiating Ooze - Inflicts 2,438 – 2,562 damage, merges big ooze with little oozes.
- Unstable Ooze - Increases damage dealt by 20%, stacks up 10 times.
- Unstable Ooze Explosion - Inflicts 14625 - 15375 damage, 6 yard radius.
III. Strategy:
1. Here you can use start position like Festergut encounter only important before the fight starts you assign some players who will spread out around Rotface. Regarding the lineup, you don't have to account for very much. The only important thing is to have sufficient players, at least 8, who can position themselves outside from the circle. These players are necessary for Vile Gas not to be cast on melees. While Festergut's Vile Gas was not a big problem because Inoculated reduces a lot of the damage from it, here is much much important do not spread Vile Gas in the raid because it does really huge damage and for healers will be almost impossible to overheal it. Several seconds after the pull you instantly use Bloodlust or Heroism. At the start of the fight you can deal damage without impairment since there aren't any oozes or green zones yet, which makes it the optimal moment for Bloodlust or Heroism. Use two tanks for this fight. One tank stays on Rotface the entire time, while the other breaks off to pick up the little ooze, which is cast periodically throughout the fight against Rotface. Keep Rotface in the center of the room and have your second tank kite the oozes around him. Little oozes spawn every time Mutated Infection ends, and they spawn from the location of the raid member affected by Mutated Infection. When the first little ooze spawns, whoever it spawns from will have to kite it around until a second little ooze forms. That is, unless your Off-tank can suddenly pull the little ooze’s aggro off the raid member it spawned from, but this is very hard to do because they hold a huge amount of aggro at the spawning. After a second little ooze is formed, bring the two together and get them to merge. It can easily be done by the raid member taking the newest ooze over to where the other ooze is being kited. The healers should then cleanse the raid member when he’s close to the other ooze or just to wait till Mutated Infection ends and the Ooze shows itself. This will cause the two to merge and will definitely allow your ooze tank to pick up the big ooze. Then he just keeps tanking the big ooze around the circle. The big ooze will explode after five little oozes have come together, so healers should watch for this to keep the tank and raid alive, and the Off-Tank should keep it away of the rest of the raid. Sometimes Off-Tank inevitably have to run through Ooze Flood pools. Have a paladin cast Hand of Freedom on him (since the Off-Tank is not paladin) so you won't be slowed when crossing them. In addition, take care not to kite the oozes through other players. DPS have 4 seconds to run from the ooze if they happen to be near it when it’s about to explode. Stay out of Ooze Flood, which is basically the green areas on the floor and move fast if you stay in it because in 5 secs you will gain 100% reduce of movement speed. The room is flooded periodically with it, which will kill you slowly if you’re standing in it and further shortens the playing field. Whenever Rotface turns his head, run away immediately to avoid Slime Spray. It’s pretty obvious right before he uses this ability, so just watch for the head turn and run if you’re in front of the direction he turned his head. Furthermore you have to watch out for the explosions of the big oozes, of course, and find a safe spot in time to avoid the small ooze grenades as usual. Before running back to your old position again you have to check if Vile Gas will be cast soon. If that's the case don't just run back in melee range, but keep the distance and wait a second to see who will be Vile Gas target, so it won't be carried to melee by any means. The healers is good do not stand in the melees directly, but at the side of the boss and max closed to middle as possible to have range over all raid members at all times. Also paladins can use their Divine Shield and Hand of Sacrifice to save some member during Unstable Ooze Explosion.
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